The First Craft Christmas Exhibition of the Higher Metn Artisan 2022.

The First Craft Christmas Exhibition of the Higher Metn Artisan 2022.

The series of activities for the year 2022 of the Higher Metn Artisan concluded with the First Artisan Christmas Exhibition in 2022. The exhibition featured a diverse and unique range of products, showcasing various crafts and artisans who played a significant role in its success. The event was held under the sponsorship of the Municipality of Ras Al Metn and organized by the Higher Metn Artisan.
Ras Al Metn, the town that has been accustomed to exhibitions and festivals for decades, has witnessed changes due to various reasons, including the challenging circumstances that made it difficult to organize such activities. The latest obstacle has been the COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected the ability to hold these events for several years. However, it became necessary to introduce an interactive activity that engages people and highlights their role in reviving such events, revitalizing the community, bringing joy, and putting smiles on people's faces. This is what citizens need.
The First Craft Christmas Exhibition is one step in the journey of the foundation that announced the opening of participation in the exhibition, welcoming anyone interested in collaboration and participation, one month prior to its scheduled date. The exhibition was held with the majority of those who submitted participation requests, considering the site's space and sufficient capacity.
It is worth mentioning that the Higher Metn Artisan is not limited to one town but extends to all towns of the Higher Metn region in coordination with the relevant official authorities. Additionally, we are open to collaboration outside the scope of the Higher Metn region if any entity requests it.
We encourage all those who did not have the opportunity to participate and collaborate in this exhibition to follow our announcements. We welcome all inquiries, cooperation, and coordination with everyone, following the guidelines and regulations set by the Higher Metn Artisan in its various activities. By doing so, we extend a hand of cooperation to everyone.
We would like to thank everyone who participated in and supported us during the First Crafts Christmas Exhibition 2022, which took place on Friday, December 18, 2022. We would like to acknowledge the efforts of our colleagues in the foundation, both in the administrative and general members, as well as all our courageous friends who wholeheartedly supported and collaborated with us to achieve our goal and spread joy.
We would like to express our gratitude to all the participants for their trust and positive feedback during and after the exhibition. A special thanks goes to the audience, whose numbers exceeded our expectations according to the estimations of the participants themselves.
Ras Al-Metn is a prestigious town that has been a unifying and distinguished community for hundreds of years, known for its unity, heritage, and collective spirit that extends beyond a couple of decades or three.
Merry holidays and best wishes for the new year.

The First Craft Christmas Exhibition of the Higher Metn Artisan Dec16, 2022 Invitation

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Awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from Category A issued by the United Nations Secretariat in July 2022.

  • Awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from Category A issued by the United Nations Secretariat in July 2022.

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