Multiple Intelligences, the Power of Change

Multiple Intelligences, the Power of Change

A workshop entitled “Multiple Intelligences, the Power of Change” organized by Higher Metn Artisan Foundation and in cooperation with the Lebanese “Be Inspiring” initiative, one of the Arab development partners Presented by Dr. Laure Abdul Khalek Al-A'war.

The “Be Inspiring” initiative is accredited by the Arab Development Partners Group, the Arab Council for E-Learning and Training, and the Afro-Asian Federation for Training and Sustainable Development from August 2023. Under the number IN-BI-300-23.

Launched by international researcher and trainer Dr. Laure Abdul Khalek Al-A'war and Mr. Rabie Dames

Creativity is the advantage of intelligent people, and the “Multiple Intelligences, Power of Change” workshop highlights the individual’s abilities and highlights them, which helps in work in general and communication with the student or child in the family. It is also an opportunity to discover oneself and one's mental abilities as a goal in itself.

It is an intensive workshop that began on Wednesday, February 7, 2024, and continued for three days at the Higher Metn Artisan Foundation headquarters in Ras El Metn.

Its usefulness is in discovering the self-abilities and intelligences present in every human being. This workshop presented methods that help the individual discover these energies, which contributes to business development and finding helpful ways to accomplish them with the least possible effort. It included some titles that concern every human being, including types of intelligence and which of them distinguishes every human being, as well as emotional intelligence and self-development.

It was characterized by the level of interaction of the participants in the workshop and their desire to provide more in this important field of workshops.

To view the comments of some participants after the end of the workshop “Multiple Intelligences, Power of Change” by clicking on the video button

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Awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from Category A issued by the United Nations Secretariat in July 2022.

  • Awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from Category A issued by the United Nations Secretariat in July 2022.

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