First Arabic Poetry and Oratory Art Event

First Arabic Poetry and Oratory Art Event

One of the key activities of The Higher Metn Artisan Foundation was the presentation of the first Arabic Poetry event in 2022, under the patronage and presence of His Excellency the Minister of Culture, Judge Mohamed Wissam Al-Murtada. The event was organized in collaboration with the Academy of Arab Cultural Ambassadors, represented by His Excellency the Higher Commissioner Ambassador of the United Nations Dr. Bassam Jamal Al-Din. It was also attended by Dr. Firas Zaydan, a member of the Cultural Committee in the Duruze Council, as well as the President of the Lebanese Professional Artists Syndicate, Mr. Georges Chalhoub, and the President of the Professional Musicians Syndicate, Mr. Fareed Bousaid. The event took place at the Mar Youssef De Lyon School Theater in Deir El Harf.

Why Poetry and Oratory?

The fundamental reason is our Arabic language, one of the most important languages in the world, honored with divine scriptures. However, we have noticed a decline in its mastery and appreciation, especially among the youth, which has prompted us to establish this activity that includes a segment for young talents. We have chosen two topics for them to write about: filial piety and patriotism. Additionally, we have allocated a financial incentive provided by The Higher Metn Artisan Foundation, as well as valuable books provided by the Ministry of Culture in Lebanon to encourage and support their participation.

The poetry segment included both colloquial and classical Arabic, with a dedicated section for each. Each participant from the youth had the opportunity to recite their own compositions and creations in front of a distinguished panel of language and poetry experts in Lebanon.

The art of oratory was also included in the program of the event, with a special segment dedicated to young participants to showcase their skills in speech writing and perform in front of an audience. This is aimed at encouraging the youth to appreciate the beauty and grandeur of the Arabic language.

The activity did not stop at that, but also included an important segment of our society that is often marginalized but is equally creative and talented as others, namely people with special needs and physical disabilities. It was our responsibility to shed light on these talented individuals. The Syndicate and artist Mr. Jihad Al-Atrash, participated with his generous and beautiful contribution, reciting some poems by poetess Sawsan Al-Ramah in her presence. She has two published poetry collections and he eloquently conveyed what she might have been unable to express herself.

And of course, distinguished guests honored us at this event, whom we are proud of in Lebanon and who are giants in their fields of creativity. They are:

  • The Renowned Visual Artist and Poet, Rudy Rahmeh.
  • The Maestro and Poet, Joseph Murad
  • The Esteemed Writer and Novelist, Chakri Anis Fakhouri.
  • The Artist and Poet, Mr. Ghazi Saab, Director of Baakline National Library.
  • The Poetess Sanaa Al-Banna, Head of Education Affairs at the United Lebanese Writers.
  • The distinguished poet Nizar Francis, who's presence and participation was event's surprise

The singing and music had their share of the event as well, with the strong voice of the artist Afif Shaya accompanied by Mr. Nabil Kukash on the organ.

The event was distinguished by the attendance of poetry enthusiasts, poets, artists, and language specialists. We have committed to organizing this activity every two years, so our next appointment will be with the second poetry and oratory event in 2024, God willing.

Arabic Poetry and Oratory Art Event 2022 Announcement

Arabic Poetry and Oratory Art Event 2022 Announcement

First Arabic Poetry and Oratory Art Event

One of the key activities of The Higher Metn Artisan Foundation was the presentation of the first Arabic Poetry event in 2022, under the patronage and presence of His Excellency the Minister of Culture, Judge Mohamed Wissam Al-Murtada. The event was organized in collaboration with the Academy of Arab Cultural Ambassadors, represented by His Excellency the Higher Commissioner Ambassador of the United Nations Dr. Bassam Jamal Al-Din. It was also attended by Dr. Firas Zaydan, a member of the Cultural Committee in the Duruze Council, as well as the President of the Lebanese Professional Artists Syndicate, Mr. Georges Chalhoub, and the President of the Professional Musicians Syndicate, Mr. Fareed Bousaid. The event took place at the Mar Youssef De Lyon School Theater in Deir El Harf.

Why Poetry and Oratory?

The fundamental reason is our Arabic language, one of the most important languages in the world, honored with divine scriptures. However, we have noticed a decline in its mastery and appreciation, especially among the youth, which has prompted us to establish this activity that includes a segment for young talents. We have chosen two topics for them to write about: filial piety and patriotism. Additionally, we have allocated a financial incentive provided by The Higher Metn Artisan Foundation, as well as valuable books provided by the Ministry of Culture in Lebanon to encourage and support their participation.

The poetry segment included both colloquial and classical Arabic, with a dedicated section for each. Each participant from the youth had the opportunity to recite their own compositions and creations in front of a distinguished panel of language and poetry experts in Lebanon.

The art of oratory was also included in the program of the event, with a special segment dedicated to young participants to showcase their skills in speech writing and perform in front of an audience. This is aimed at encouraging the youth to appreciate the beauty and grandeur of the Arabic language.

The activity did not stop at that, but also included an important segment of our society that is often marginalized but is equally creative and talented as others, namely people with special needs and physical disabilities. It was our responsibility to shed light on these talented individuals. The Syndicate and artist Mr. Jihad Al-Atrash, participated with his generous and beautiful contribution, reciting some poems by poetess Sawsan Al-Ramah in her presence. She has two published poetry collections and he eloquently conveyed what she might have been unable to express herself.

And of course, distinguished guests honored us at this event, whom we are proud of in Lebanon and who are giants in their fields of creativity. They are:

  • The Renowned Visual Artist and Poet, Rudy Rahmeh.
  • The Maestro and Poet, Joseph Murad
  • The Esteemed Writer and Novelist, Chakri Anis Fakhouri.
  • The Artist and Poet, Mr. Ghazi Saab, Director of Baakline National Library.
  • The Poetess Sanaa Al-Banna, Head of Education Affairs at the United Lebanese Writers.
  • The distinguished poet Nizar Francis, who's presence and participation was event's surprise

The singing and music had their share of the event as well, with the strong voice of the artist Afif Shaya accompanied by Mr. Nabil Kukash on the organ.

The event was distinguished by the attendance of poetry enthusiasts, poets, artists, and language specialists. We have committed to organizing this activity every two years, so our next appointment will be with the second poetry and oratory event in 2024, God willing.

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Awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from Category A issued by the United Nations Secretariat in July 2022.

  • Awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from Category A issued by the United Nations Secretariat in July 2022.

  • To learn more about our activities, please visit our website or contact us directly.

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