Syndicate Jihad Al-Atrash's Speech at the Theatrical Competition Event

The Syndicate, Artist Jihad Al-Atarsh Speech

Good Evening

Thank you for your presence first and foremost,

Thank you to the schools. I will focus my gratitude on the creativity we witness at the level of the schools. As judges, we meticulously assess these aspects that unfold on the stage. Undoubtedly, it is a very important initiative. There is noticeable progress compared to last year, and this year all the teams are much better, and God willing, they will continue to improve.

Thank you to the Higher Metn Artisan for opening the door for students and schools to work in theater.

Artist's Syndicate Jihad Al-Atrash delivering his speech.
Artist's Syndicate Jihad Al-Atrash delivering his speech.

Syndicate Jihad Al-Atrash's Speech at the Theatrical Competition Event

Good Evening

Thank you for your presence first and foremost,

Thank you to the schools. I will focus my gratitude on the creativity we witness at the level of the schools. As judges, we meticulously assess these aspects that unfold on the stage. Undoubtedly, it is a very important initiative. There is noticeable progress compared to last year, and this year all the teams are much better, and God willing, they will continue to improve.

Thank you to the Higher Metn Artisan for opening the door for students and schools to work in theater.

In the presence of a constellation of directors, teachers, educators, and distinguished personalities who have garnered abundant knowledge and culture, with their presence resembling wheat fields laden with crops, and achievements rising like hills in their domains, and with the promising future for students shining brightly, I hope that the path ahead remains open for every success and excellence.

I also wish that the Higher Metn Artisan can achieve all the planned training courses to serve humanity and society, and to elevate life to better levels, especially as it relies on knowledge and expertise to fulfill its mission.

A thousand greetings to those who play an active role in our community, and another thousand greetings to everyone who participated and collaborated, including schools, associations, clubs, families, and individuals. We must all learn and benefit from the knowledge, expertise, and experiences of others.

The Higher Metn Artisan starting from the president, the founding and administrative committees, and the general body, believes in approaching the essential life needs, including social, educational, professional, and cultural aspects, all to serve humanity.

On behalf of Higher Metn Artisan and personally, I extend my gratitude to the school administrations, teachers, students, and all those involved in our creative, artistic, cultural, and educational theater activities. I appreciate their enthusiasm and dedication to embrace the world of theater and explore the finest cultures and arts while standing on the stage of creativity. Our engagement with the works of the great Shakespeare enhances our existing culture, beauty, and creativity. I would also like to thank Ms. Kristine for providing a broad platform for both schools and the Higher Metn Artisan to showcase their talents and creativity, be it among girls or boys.

It is truly magnificent to witness the support of theater stars, screen actors, and esteemed university professors like Nicolas Daniel and Michel Hourani, who graciously joined us in this activity. Their presence alongside us and their participation in providing two preparatory training courses for our students is deeply appreciated. Thank you.

I am accustomed to extending a gracious gesture, and I know you accept it with open hearts. I would like to mention two talented artists, Nawal Chamoun and Mirai Abdou, who have been regular attendees and supporters of our endeavors. We hope for their participation in future theatrical activities as well.

The announcement mentioned the presence of the president of the Professional Artists Syndicate, George Chalhoub. However, he had to travel to Iran to participate in an international film festival, where he was involved in one of the films. He was invited to be a jury member for the festival, and despite his commitments with us, I encouraged him to go and represent.

The artist Elsi Fernini is experiencing a health issue that prevented her from attending.

The artist Yorgu Chalhoub was also supposed to be a guest of honor at this special event, but he had to travel to Turkey for a work project. We did not want to impose his presence in front of you, and he is honored to be associated with such an esteemed gathering.

Thank you for your encouragement. We hope you enjoy what you see.

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  • Awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from Category A issued by the United Nations Secretariat in July 2022.

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