Theatrical Performance Workshop

Theatrical Performance Workshop

A Theater Performance Training Workshop was conducted in June 2022, aimed at assisting secondary school students from the Higher Metn region who were participating in the First Theater Competition announced by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education.

The workshop was delivered by Syndicate Jihad Al-Atarash and artist Michel Hourani, held at the theater of Mar Youssef de Lyon School in Deir El Harf, and lasted for a full day. The participating students greatly benefited from it, and it had a positive impact on their performance, helping them to showcase their utmost abilities in front of the experienced judging panel during the competition day.

Theatrical Performance Workshop

A Theater Performance Training Workshop was conducted in June 2022, aimed at assisting secondary school students from the Higher Metn region who were participating in the First Theater Competition announced by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education.

The workshop was delivered by Syndicate Jihad Al-Atarash and artist Michel Hourani, held at the theater of Mar Youssef de Lyon School in Deir El Harf, and lasted for a full day. The participating students greatly benefited from it, and it had a positive impact on their performance, helping them to showcase their utmost abilities in front of the experienced judging panel during the competition day.

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Awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from Category A issued by the United Nations Secretariat in July 2022.

  • Awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from Category A issued by the United Nations Secretariat in July 2022.

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