The International Virtual Exhibition 2024 From 29/Feb/2024 to 04/Mar/2024

The International Virtual Exhibition 2024 From 29/Feb/2024 to 04/Mar/2024

General terms and conditions

To participate in the International Virtual Exhibition 2024:

  1. The participant in the exhibition under any classification must adhere to the conditions for participation in the International Virtual Exhibition 2024 included in the subscription application.
  2. Once the application for participation is sent, agreement is considered implicit to the terms included in the application and the terms and conditions of the exhibition.
  3. Regarding the participation of theaters and institutions with more than 6 artists, the organizing body has the decision to limit the participation of works by only six artists based on the decision of the evaluation committee.
  4. In case the payment method selected is via Western Union, an email will be sent from the organizing body containing the required information.
  5. To confirm participation, an email will be sent from the organizing body confirming the applicant’s participation.

Evaluation committee:

  1. Independent artists will have their artwork subject to evaluation by a professional committee in the plastic arts, whose decision is final.
  2. The committee for evaluating works of Art is composed of fine Art professors, critics, and academics from multiple nationalities.
  3. The decision of the Evaluation Committee is final and is not subject to negotiation or appeal in terms of refusal or approval to participate in the exhibition.
  4. The Evaluation Committee is specialized only in evaluating the works of participants in the International Virtual Exhibition 2024, which begins on 02/29/2024 and ends on 03/04/2024.

In the event of selling the artwork:

  1. If you wish to purchase a work of art, you can fill out a purchase request (available on the website)
  2. The process of shipping the sold artwork, whatever its type, is the responsibility of the buyer, and the organizing party does not bear the shipping costs or financial or legal consequences upon the purchase agreement.
  3. The participant, regardless of his classification, artist, institution, or gallery, the owner of the sold artwork, must provide an official certificate in the name of the buyer upon completion of the sale, and a copy of it must be sent to the organizing body to the following email: (Available on site for printing).


  1. 8 works of art (painting or sculpture) displayed in the International Virtual Exhibition 2024 will be selected to be displayed at the International Cultural and Artistic Forum, which will be held in the Lebanese Republic.
  2. The eight selected artworks will have a critical artistic article written about them by Art critics who are members of the jury and outside it.
  3. The artists whose works are selected according to the previous two clauses will be hosted in the country of residence of the forum mentioned in Clause 13 (including accommodation - transportation to and from the airport - a tourist program)
  4. The works that will be displayed at the International Cultural and Artistic Forum are limited to what was chosen from the virtual exhibition, and no other artistic work will be accepted in place of them, and the artists implementing these works will be hosted.
  5. A PDF catalog for the exhibition is available on the exhibition’s website. It can be downloaded and printed for participants. It will be announced during the exhibition period.

To subscribe to the website of Higher Metn Artisan Foundation:

  1. Participation in the Higher Metn Artisan Foundation website is only for artists participating in the International Virtual Exhibition 2024 directly or through exhibition institutions.
  2. For those who wish to subscribe to the website, fill out the application available on the website and send it after agreeing to the terms and conditions.
  3. The participating artist must commit to providing the Higher Metn Artisan Foundation with the full news material, including text, images, and links, to publish on the site.
  4. The artist participating in the Higher Metn Artisan Foundation website must commit to submitting the final form of the news if it includes (graphic - digital) design work, and to send the material to be published in high quality to prevent it from being non-published.
  5. The intellectual property of the artwork is the property of the participating artist only.
  6. Resolving any legal problem or disagreement between any party participating in any services provided by the organizing body, the Higher Metn Artisan Foundation, is up to the Lebanese courts and judiciary in the Republic of Lebanon.
  7. These conditions are mandatory for all parties participating in the International Virtual Exhibition 2024 (participants - collectors of works of art - media of all kinds - exhibition halls - auction halls and everyone related).

Payment method:

  • Financial transfer via the intermediary Western Union in the name of the financial officer at the Higher Metn Artisan Foundation (the name and address are provided upon receipt of the purchase order)
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We are all part of the whole, but being an active and useful part is what matters. Take your place in contributing to the betterment of individuals and the advancement of society. Join the Higher Metn Artisan Foundation's Board of Trustees, the funder and overseer of our projects, and share in providing the best

  • Awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from Category A issued by the United Nations Secretariat in July 2022.

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