Executive Board Members of The Higher Metn Artisan Foundtion

The Legal Counsel - Founding Member

Lawyer Amin Salah Al-Halabi

  • Born in Beirut - a registered lawyer at the Beirut Bar Association.
  • Owner of a law firm in Beirut.
  • Deputy Mayor of Ras Al-Metn Municipal Council.
  • Founder and Legal Advisor of the Higher Metn Artisan Foundation
  • Vice President of the Foundation for Forests, Development and Conservation AFDC

Chair of the Executive Board - Founding Member.

Inas Nowaihed

  • Inas Nowaihed, born in Ras Al-Metn, Mount Lebanon, raised in the United Arab Emirates and returned to her hometown in 2010.
  • She is a visual artist, poet, and political analyst, with her critical political articles published in several magazines in Lebanon and various online news platforms.
  • Visual artist who studied fine arts in the United Arab Emirates and has participated in numerous exhibitions both within and outside Lebanon.
  • Studied law at the Lebanese University.
  • She writes classical poetry, with two collections currently in progress.
  • Her practical experience spans over 22 years, during which she held administrative positions in global companies (such as Total) and quasi-governmental insurance companies.
  • She established a business enterprise and worked in the field of project studies in the United Arab Emirates from 1994 to 2010.
  • Former Rotary Club member.
  • Social activist who has been involved in several social associations in Lebanon since 2010.
  • The Higher Metn Artisan Foundation idea founder as she believes that human development is a noble mission and the essence of society, and that the advancement of individuals through their knowledge, ethics, and character leads to societal improvement and the elevation of humanity.

Secretary - member of the administrative body

Prince Fadi Reslan

  • Master Business Administration (MBA)
  • Study Psychology 3 years in Madras University / India
  • Member Of Decor & Design Italian community 2005
  • Member of DAWA Management (specialist in hospitality management) 2015
  • Member of Abnaa Mousawat (NGO)
  • Owner of Conceptium Est (specialise in printing & packaging - General trading, Import Export) Lebanon since 2016
  • Representative of (GR) Golden Rock for Natural Stones / India
  • Board Secretary & Director for The Higher Metn Artisan Foundation
  •  president of Beirut Heritage Lions Club...

Chair of the Executive Board - Founding Member.

Antoinette Yousef Chahine

  • From the town of Hammana - Higher Metn - Baabda - Mount Lebanon.
  • A graduate of Dar Al-Moualimat for Physical Education and Sports.
  • Retired teacher.
  • A social assistant in the Higher Metn region for Caritas- Lebanon.
  • She is a social activist engaged in various fields including cultural, artistic, social, and spiritual fields.

Treasurer - Founding Member

Soaad Al Masry

    • A businesswoman and the owner of two companies - one in the financial sector and the other in the tourism industry.
    • She is a social activist who participated in the "National Committee for the Election of Miss Lebanon" and accompanied some beauty queens to the Miss Universe pageant.
    • She co-founded, alongside a group of friends, the "Festivals Committee of the Higher Metn" and several charitable, humanitarian, and social associations, including:
      • Rotary Club of Aley in 1997.
      • Rotary Club of Hammana - Higher Metn in 2004.
      • Women's Forum of the Higher Metn and is the President of the since 2016.
      • The Lebanese Digital Forum established by Professor and journalist Antoine Fadoul.
    • She has touched upon addressing humanitarian needs, particularly in the healthcare sector, through the Kamal Jumblatt Foundation and the Jabal Hospital.
    • Member of the Lebanese Breast Cancer Foundation.
    • Member of the Lebanese Friends of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Association (ALSEP).
    • She contributed to the empowerment of women and their inclusion in the fields of economy and tourism.

The Accountant and Financial Advisor.

Maisaa Salman Al-Banna

  • Born in the town of Khreibet Al-Metn - Higher Metn.
  • Holder of a Bachelor's degree in Accounting and Finance.
  • Social activist with interested in environmental and humanitarian affairs. She has practical experience in financial consulting and auditing since 2004.
  • She presented a report on the archaeological sites of Anjar and Byblos, which provided the opportunity to work with UNESCO and visit Japan as part of the World Heritage preservation activities.
  • Former member of the Municipal Council in Khreibet Al-Metn.

Administrative Board Member

جوزيف طانوس هاشم

  • من بلدة حاصبيا المتن – المتن الأعلى
  • متزوج وله 3 ابناء
  • المؤهل العلمي : مهندس ديكور
  • العمل : صاحب معمل نجارة في المتن الأعلى
  • جوزيف هاشم ثائر من اجل لبنان مدني، ناشط في مجال الزراعة وحماية الثروة الطبيعية.
  • هدفه الناشئة اللبناني ان يعيش بكرامة ويتقن عمل حرفي.
Joseph Hachem - Carpentry
You Can Make a Difference

We are all part of the whole, but being an active and useful part is what matters. Take your place in contributing to the betterment of individuals and the advancement of society. Join the Higher Metn Artisan Foundation's Board of Trustees, the funder and overseer of our projects, and share in providing the best

Awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from Category A issued by the United Nations Secretariat in July 2022.

  • Awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from Category A issued by the United Nations Secretariat in July 2022.

  • To learn more about our activities, please visit our website or contact us directly.

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