Board of Trustees of the Foundation

Board of Trustees of the Foundation

Jihad Al Atrash

Chairman of the Board of Trustees - Founding member

Born: 1943 in Ras El-Metn - Baabda District - Mount Lebanon.

Academic degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Psychology - Beirut Arab University, 1975-1976.

  • Radio Lebanon actor since 1959.
  • Television Lebanon actor since 1962.

Presented radio works including literary, scientific, social, educational, and cultural programs and series.

Writing programs and series: "Tomorrow the Earth Blooms", "Love in Sicily", "The Storm".

From 1962 to 1980, performed in over two thousand television episodes, including dramas, programs, and social, historical, and cultural series. Also worked in theatrical productions portraying scientific and historical figures, as well as participating in stage plays.

Key dubbing roles. 

    • Imam Al-Rida - Prophet Zechariah - Imam Hussain - Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq - Companion Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq - Genghis Khan.

Key cartoon roles: Grendizer - The Grand Prix.

Worked as a radio director from 1980 to 2022.

Served as the Head of the Directing Department at Radio Lebanon from 2000 to 2007.

2018 - 2021: President of the Professional Artists Syndicate in Lebanon.

Judge at the Voice Arts Awards in the United States.

Training in public speaking performance.

  • Tele Liban -B.C. Television - B.N. Television- Al-Manar Television.
  • Training of presenters at B.C., Al-Jazeera, Al-Arabiya, Dubai TV, Kuwait TV, Libya TV, Iraq TV, and Al-Mayadeen channel.
  • Radio Lebanon - Radio Al-Manar - Voice of Freedom.
  • Training Center in Beirut - Dubai.

Podcast: Hafez al-Assad - Saddam Hussein - Muammar Gaddafi - Sultan Abdul Hamid - Ibn Khaldun - Al-Mutanabbi - Taha Hussein - Sheikh Abdul Basit Abdul Samad - Nizar Qabbani.

Awards: Gold and Silver awards at the Cairo and Tunis festivals, and recognition from the Royal Commission in Jubail for Social Services Management in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Syndicate, Jihad Al-Atarsh word

"The true artist, like any responsible citizen, strives for active participation in the development of their society, and this is what I found in the principles and objectives of the Higher Metn Artisan Foundation."

Jihad Al-Atrash.

Wafaa Nowaihed

Born in Ras Al-Metn - Lebanon - Residing in the United Arab Emirates.

Media professional and writer.

  • Published the novel "Black Snow" in 2014.
  • Eve Speaks: A Collection of Letters to Men - 2006
  • My Zajal Poetry: CD Collection 2007-2009 
  • Conducted a comprehensive research on Lebanese folk poetry and Zajal and submitted it to the Lebanese Ministry of Culture in 2003.
  • Hosted a literary salon between the years 2008 and 2010.
  • Won the Ghanem Ghubash Short Story Award Dubai 1993
  • Worked at Al Khaleej newspaper, which was published from Sharjah, between 1980 and 1982.
  • Wrote for "Hia" magazine, which was published by Darat Al-Wahda for Press in Abu Dhabi, in 1983.
  • And for "Al-Riyada wa Al-Shabab" magazine, which was published by Al-Bayan newspaper in Dubai, in 1994.
  • And for the "Horizon" supplement of Al-Diyar newspaper in Lebanon in 1995. 
  • Participated in three program courses between 2009 and 2010 on the television show "Decision Makers".
  • Presented a thesis titled "Highlighting the Aesthetics of the Short Story," which included a positive evaluation of a collection of stories and series.
  • Contributed to evenings and readings at the Emirates Writers Union and in Lebanon.
  • Participated in several interviews on television channels such as "Al-Khaleejiah," "Tele Liban," "Sane'o Al-Qarar," and "Orbit." also in various magazines such as "Al-Liwaa," "Al-Sada," and "Kul Al-Usra."
  • Head of the media station during my high school years in Sharjah from 1978 to 1980.
  • Honored by the Mountain Ladies Association for poetry.
  • Honored by the Aramoun Book Fair.
  • Honored by the American edition of Who's Who of Professionals as one of the top professionals in 2007, among 150 universal honorees. 
  • Honored by the American edition of Who's Who Biography as one of the top personalities in 2009.
  • Honored by the Lebanese Consulate for the poetic contributions to the Independence Day celebrations in 1991.
  • Currently, working on doctoral dissertation in Journalism and Media, which is scheduled to be defended in Spring 2023 at Stanford Academy in Cairo.

Mrs. Wafaa Nowaihed Word

I take immense pride in my unwavering support and affiliation with the Higher Metn Artisan, as it strives for noble goals in serving the community and enhancing the professional and educational capabilities of individuals, supporting them on the path of excellence and progress.

Hats off to this Artisan who has quickly made a name for themselves, shining brightly.

Wafaa Nowaihed

Soaad Al Masry

A businesswoman and the owner of two companies - one in the financial sector and the other in the tourism industry.

She is a social activist who participated in the "National Committee for the Election of Miss Lebanon" and accompanied some beauty queens to the Miss Universe pageant.

She co-founded, alongside a group of friends, the "Festivals Committee of the Higher Metn" and several charitable, humanitarian, and social associations, including:

      • Rotary Club of Aley in 1997.
      • Rotary Club of Hammana - Higher Metn in 2004.
      • Women's Forum of the Higher Metn and is the President of the since 2016.
      • The Lebanese Digital Forum established by Professor and journalist Antoine Fadoul.

She has touched upon addressing humanitarian needs, particularly in the healthcare sector, through the Kamal Jumblatt Foundation and the Jabal Hospital.

    • Member of the Lebanese Breast Cancer Foundation.
    • Member of the Lebanese Friends of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Association (ALSEP).

She contributed to the empowerment of women and their inclusion in the fields of economy and tourism.

Mrs Soaad Al Masry Abu Shaheen Word

"Our goal is to serve the community through human development...

We sow the seeds of knowledge and love...

We reap the finest fruits."

Soaad Al Masry Abu Shaheen

Inas Nowaihed

Inas Nowaihed, born in Ras Al-Metn, Mount Lebanon, raised in the United Arab Emirates and returned to her hometown in 2010.

  • She is a visual artist, poet, and political analyst, with her critical political articles published in several magazines in Lebanon and various online news platforms. 
  • Visual artist who studied fine arts in the United Arab Emirates and has participated in numerous exhibitions both within and outside Lebanon.
  • Studied law at the Lebanese University.
  • She writes classical poetry, with two collections currently in progress.
  • Her practical experience spans over 22 years, during which she held administrative positions in global companies (such as Total) and quasi-governmental insurance companies.
  • She established a business enterprise and worked in the field of project studies in the United Arab Emirates from 1994 to 2010.
  • Former Rotary Club member.
  • Social activist who has been involved in several social associations in Lebanon since 2010.
  • The Higher Metn Artisan Foundation idea founder as she believes that human development is a noble mission and the essence of society, and that the advancement of individuals through their knowledge, ethics, and character leads to societal improvement and the elevation of humanity.

Mrs Inas Nowaihed Word

"I believe that building the individual is a mission, as they are the essence of society. The goodness, knowledge, and ethics of individuals contribute to the betterment of the community and the elevation of humanity within it. Hence, the idea of establishing the Higher Metn Artisan Foundation was born."

Inas Nowaihed

Ahlam Zeidan

From Falougha town - Higher Metn - Ba'abda - Mount Lebanon

She grew up in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Holds a Bachelor's degree Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics with honor from the American University of Beirut, as well as a Training Diploma in Clinical Dietetics from the American University of Beirut Hospital.

A managing partner and co-founder of Lite N’ Appetite Health and Diet Food Center in Qatar since 2017.

A clinical dietitian with over 17 years of experience in clinical therapeutic nutrition for the elderly, non-communicable diseases, obesity treatment, and weight management.

Worked as a community nutritionist at the Ministry of Public Health - Qatar, where she played a role in developing Qatar dietary guidelines and other food regulations.

A former member of Rotaract Youth and is currently a member of the Baakline Emigrants Committee.

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We are all part of the whole, but being an active and useful part is what matters. Take your place in contributing to the betterment of individuals and the advancement of society. Join the Higher Metn Artisan Foundation's Board of Trustees, the funder and overseer of our projects, and share in providing the best

Awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from Category A issued by the United Nations Secretariat in July 2022.

  • Awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from Category A issued by the United Nations Secretariat in July 2022.

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