His Excellency, Ambassador Dr. Bassam Jamaladdin Speech

His Excellency, Ambassador Dr. Bassam Jamaladdin Speech

Ladies and gentlemen, may God bless you with all goodness and happiness.     

Today, we gather in this prestigious educational institution, the Monastery School of Saint Joseph de Leon, which has always embraced knowledge, culture, arts, and creativity, and provided support and encouragement to The Higher Metn Artisan Foundation, as well as to many other cultural institutions and associations. On every academic and cultural occasion, we find it leading the initiative and eager to take the reins. Therefore, all thanks and appreciation go to the school's management and its noble teaching staff. I extend my greetings and utmost respect to the supporter of culture, His Excellency Judge Mohamed Wissam Al-Mortada, who honored us with his presence and graciously sponsored our event. I also thank and appreciate the presence of Dr. Firas Zaidan, a member of the Cultural Committee in the Druze Council, representing His Eminence Dr. Sami Abi Al-Mouna, the Head of the Druze Community. I salute the heads of artistic unions and all the artists present with us. I appreciate the presence of civil society organizations and everyone who bothered to come from various regions of Lebanon to participate with us today in the first Arab poetry and oratory event in the Higher Metn.

His Excellency Dr. Bassam Jamal Al Din, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, delivers an academic speech to the Arab Cultural Ambassadors.
His Excellency Dr. Bassam Jamal Al Din, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, delivers an academic speech to the Arab Cultural Ambassadors.

His Excellency, Ambassador Dr. Bassam Jamaladdin Speech

Ladies and gentlemen, may God bless you with all goodness and happiness.     

Today, we gather in this prestigious educational institution, the Monastery School of Saint Joseph de Leon, which has always embraced knowledge, culture, arts, and creativity, and provided support and encouragement to The Higher Metn Artisan Foundation, as well as to many other cultural institutions and associations. On every academic and cultural occasion, we find it leading the initiative and eager to take the reins. Therefore, all thanks and appreciation go to the school's management and its noble teaching staff. I extend my greetings and utmost respect to the supporter of culture, His Excellency Judge Mohamed Wissam Al-Mortada, who honored us with his presence and graciously sponsored our event. I also thank and appreciate the presence of Dr. Firas Zaidan, a member of the Cultural Committee in the Druze Council, representing His Eminence Dr. Sami Abi Al-Mouna, the Head of the Druze Community. I salute the heads of artistic unions and all the artists present with us. I appreciate the presence of civil society organizations and everyone who bothered to come from various regions of Lebanon to participate with us today in the first Arab poetry and oratory event in the Higher Metn.

Esteemed attendees,   

The difficult situation in Lebanon, with its economic and political collapse, administrative paralysis, and financial and psychological struggles of its people, has had a negative and direct impact on the cultural scene, slowing down its movement. However, despite the bleakness of the situation and the lack of clarity in the political vision, we must open a gap in the wall of darkness to emerge into the light. We must find a glimmer of hope and faith in the resurrection of this country and its future. Throughout the ages, we have gone through many lean days, great trials, and severe crises, and we have experienced many tragic experiences and catastrophic disasters. However, we have never lost hope, determination, or resilience, but we have surpassed them all with our patience, faith, and wisdom. We have emerged from them stronger and more resilient, just like the phoenix that rose from the ashes.

Ladies and gentlemen,    

All political systems come and go in certain times, and all countries and kingdoms disappear in certain times, and all civilizations fade away and perish in certain times, and all hardships end in certain times, except for our culture and language that we have acquired since the dawn of history, which has no specific time and will never disappear. It will remain the greatest witness that guides us

Esteemed attendees,

It is my pride and pleasure to establish the foundations of close and permanent cooperation with The Higher Metn Artisan Foundation from my position as a UN ambassador and also as an ambassador for Arab culture. I offer it all the necessary support in appreciation of its great efforts and continuous contributions in order to highlight its capabilities and distinctiveness in promoting thought, art, and culture in Lebanon and throughout the Arab world.

Today, ladies and gentlemen, we gather and honor together some of the most talented writers, artists, and renowned poets of Arabic literature, as well as present a bouquet of young poetic talents and blossoming literary buds in their first appearance on stage. These talents will receive their well-deserved opportunity and be supported and nurtured to achieve their utmost potential. Perhaps one day we will see them as icons of Arab culture and ambassadors carrying its banner to the highest podiums.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Finally, I would like to say to our esteemed audience, we came here to honor poetry and culture, but you have honored us with your distinguished and elegant presence.

Thank you all and I hope you have a happy and elite evening with the eyes of poetry.

Welcome and greetings to you.


Ambassador Dr. Bassam Jamal Al-Din.

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Awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from Category A issued by the United Nations Secretariat in July 2022.

  • Awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from Category A issued by the United Nations Secretariat in July 2022.

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